
  • Naked organist from Monty Python’s Flying Circusesesess as pixxxel arrrt-t-t 🎨

    Today’s Pixel Dailies theme was organ, restriction: 48x48px max.

    Yeah, I traced.

  • Title of this pixel 🎨 is isometric white room. Isometry is a kind of perspective in which parallel lines stay parallel into infinity, as seen from one viewpoint. This means there’s no scaling with distance going on.

  • Yesterday’s theme on Pixel Dailies was windmill. Pixel 🎨 64×64, 4 colors.

  • My new avatar for my It’s very colorful 😊 🎨

  • Here’s something I made for PixelJoint. It’s a tiny sprite of a fox turning around. 16×16 pixels, 4 colors, 8 frames. 🎨 I used the Ministeck color palette.

  • While I’m still struggling with, I’m envisioning a time when I can use it as my primary website at my own domain. I never transferred a domain, so it seems all very scary. Until then, I’ll be using my WP site and MB site side-by-side.

  • Today’s Pixel Dailies theme was time capsule. 🎨

  • Another art niche I’m interested in is bead sprites, where videogame sprites are realized as an object you can hold, and is made out of beads. Doesn’t need to be flat either and can be wearable. 🎨

  • As a budding pixel artist, I looked for blogs, subreddits, etc. about Ministeck, a Dutch pearlboard equivalent. Nothing substantial. There’s a niche for me there, wide open 🤩 🎨

  • Currently, I’ve cobbled together a solution with my own (shared) WP server, Flickr Pro, and a free account. It’s a hassle and somewhat expensive for how little I use those. FB and IG are dead simple, with lots of ads.