For 2024 I had challenged myself to write a game, any game. It went nowhere, probably because I’m not a gamer, not even a casual gamer.
For 2025 I want to do something that’s more in my wheelhouse. I want to improve my art. I think that’s a more achievable goal, since I’m drawing pretty much since 1993, with obvious gaps of not drawing.
I already started this by drawing daily since December 1. I can see it will take time and patience, since the results are rather poor. However, I’ve seen myself improving over the months, only to stop because what’s the point?
To combat this lack of motivation, I should probably open myself up for art requests, and if that works and I have established myself somewhat, commissions. However, commissions come with their own problems, not the least the expectation of some about what artist are able to do. Yes, they can practically visualize anything, but do they want to? It’s rather scary doing something you’re unfamiliar with in the open. I believe trying new things is good, but exposing oneself to unwanted critique and criticism by non-artists is not. So when art is being paid for, it is very important to set boundaries, to foster realistic expectations in potential clients.
Other than that, I think I’m exposing myself enough by showing my art progress in things I’m interesting in. So it may never come to paid art commissions.