Month: October 2018

  • I used to love watching YouTube, as time-delayed videos. But now, with all this live events going on, not so much anymore. It’s the same reason I hardly watch regular TV anymore. I want to watch on demand.

  • I made this Tomb Raider fan art in the Funko Rock Candy art style.

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  • It’s a month since my dear cat Rasheed died. I stopped being emotional, but my life is still disrupted. I can’t sleep well at night and am somewhat distracted during the day. The other cat doesn’t miss him, apparently, but I can’t know for sure, other than he strongly bonds with me now.

  • This is what happens if one watches too much Netflix, and then draws something from imagination. The cats are from photo reference, though.

  • I was quite pleased how this digital collage turned out with the lasso tool in ArtStudio. I could only find photo collage apps.

  • For Heaven’s sake, pick one! Sorry I couldn’t, so I picked them all. Hand tired, brains overheated.

  • Say it’s only a paper moon, sailing over a cardboard sea…

  • Another day, another kitty.

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  • Halloween’s early! Well, it was either this, or an almost saccharine scene of cute young girl wearing a sweater with a kitty and bunny, girl holding a baby bird.

  • If I were to get a playmate for my cat, I assume it would involve a lot of hissing and posturing at first, sizing each other up.